You know that old joke – a Celebrant, Registrar and Minister walked into a pub and…..? No, we don’t either, but who CAN conduct your Wedding Ceremony? Did you know that you are NOT restricted to having a Registrar or Minister? You can have a Celebrant – also known as Civil Celebrant or Humanist.
Here are a few points to help you decide who you want to conduct your Wedding Ceremony:
You have complete flexibility regarding the words and content of your Ceremony. This can include spiritual references, singing and lighting of candles if you wish.
Your Ceremony can be conducted anywhere you want. These can be on licensed or unlicensed premises or on public land. Remember to get the relevant permission from the landowner. Think about formal venues, fields, forests and beaches. Also at home, in poppy fields or bluebell woods.

Your Ceremony can be as traditional, quirky, emotional or as funny as you wish.
You will have met your Celebrant and spoken to them several times before your Ceremony. You can meet our team here.
These Ceremonies do not have any legal status.
You will need to complete your legal license in the registrar’s office (a ceremony room will cost you extra) with two witnesses beforehand. This will cost you around £50 plus license fees and takes around 10 minutes.
Then share your marriage vows with each other in your beautifully unique Wedding Ceremony.
The Ceremonies can involve your families and friends and sets a happy, celebratory tone for the rest of the day.
These Ceremonies are ideal for couples who are happy to put thought and effort into creating a personal Wedding Ceremony that is unique to them.
The words will be those that Registrars are required to use by law. Find out more by clicking here.
You might have a choice between three very similar and standard scripts.
These ceremonies can only be conducted in licensed venues.
You will not know which Registrar will conduct your ceremony until you arrive for your ceremony.
You are not permitted to have any religious or spiritual references.
These ceremonies are legally binding.
These ceremonies are ideal for couples who just want to get the legalities done in a standard ceremony before the wedding reception.
These ceremonies will be about a God or religious belief and the sanctity of marriage. Find out more here.
Words will vary depending on the religion.
These ceremonies can only be conducted in a consecrated building (church, chapel, mosque etc).
In most religions, this ceremony is legally binding.
These ceremonies are ideal for those who follow a certain faith. They are particularly suitable for those who believe that the ceremony reflects their faith and who they are as individuals.
…you know that old joke – a Celebrant, Registrar and Minister walked into a pub and….? No, nor do we but we hope we have helped you understand the differences between a Celebrant, Registrar and Minister.
Please contact us to talk about your very own unique and wonderful Wedding Ceremony.